Swap Meet
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Steve Kittell
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We're off to the swap meet today.
Dad says it's work, I say it's play.
Mom thinks it's all a bunch of junk.
Who needs an old cast iron skunk?
Every year since I was two,
I've seen the toes of many a shoe.
In my wagon with squeaky wheel,
once pulled string from an old fly reel.
Saw a ship of wood, bone and hair.
Dad got nervous, said don't go there!
Great memories of dad and me,
I wish that mom would come and see.
Up before dawn, first at the gate,
If you're not first, well then you're late.
I think that second's also OK.
Don't follow, go the other way.
A laugh, a push, a yawn and sneeze.
New spring pollen made someone wheeze.
We're squashed on the fence right up front.
Soon we'll start a new treasure hunt.
The gate opens, I think we won.
I don't care; I'm here to have fun.
We see faces we've seen before.
But the new ones are a lot more.
Soon the sun will rise in the sky.
Down the rows with treasures stacked high.
A day of fun, ready to learn,
something new at every turn.
We pass the women in her shawl.
Sits alone, sells nothing at all.
Walking past, I'd wave and say hi.
But never did I catch her eye.
But now I'm ten, no chaperone.
Maybe she smiled because I'm grown.
She waved me over to come right in.
Glad to see her never seen grin.
I gazed into lots of old stuff,
even the best looked kind of rough.
She told me stories of each thing,
corner chair and ancient nose ring.
"I never sell my things of old.
They can't be enjoyed when they're sold,
loan things to friends once in a while,
like you" she said with a big smile.
"I've watched you pass since you were small,
on your dads' shoulders, eight feet tall.
I've seen you smile and watched you grow.
Each time passing you'd say hello.
Walking past, eyes open wide.
You never dared to come inside.
Talking to strangers is unwise.
If I scare you, I apologize."
She gave me a book that's quite small,
not too many pages at all.
The book kept dreams lost in your head,
while you were sleeping in your bed.
She opened the book to page three.
Then whispered some secrets to me.
"Dreams are wishes stuck in your head.
They only come out when in bed.
Sleeping soundly, eyes shut tight,
mind wondering all through the night.
When you wake to start a new day,
write down those dreams before you play.
Follow your heart wherever it goes.
Record your trip in lovely prose.
Don't stop writing until you're done.
It's never work when it's all fun.
First open the book carefully.
Than close your eyes and wait to see,
all your dreams will come back to you.
But it might take a week or two.
Just be patient, don't ever fret.
All things good you never forget.
I need not tell you anymore,
complete instructions on page four."
She found a box, it fit just right.
I couldn't wait to sleep that night.
Tied it up with ribbon and bow,
She gave me hug, told me to go.
It's been a long winter since then.
Yes I've used up many a pen.
I wake each morning at sunrise.
Wipe the night's sleepys from my eyes
Mom saw me writing early one day.
She asked to see, what could I say?
Together we both read out loud.
We laughed and hugged, she said she's proud.
Now up after dawn, we're not late.
Family's first, treasure can wait.
Another year, there's much to see,
at the swap meet; mom, dad and me.
I hope to see my new old friend,
I'll share my news with happy end.
I tried hard and my wish came true.
Now mom comes to the swap meet too!
The End
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