Smut Fada Book 1 Tales From Ireland
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Martin Gleeson
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Owen was a farmer.
He worked very hard.
He grew vegetables and potatoes.
He had one cow.
He also kept pigs.
The farm and house belonged to the landlord.
Owen had to pay him rent.
Owen knew a lovely girl. Her name was Norah
Owen wanted to marry Norah, but knew he was too poor.
Owen got up early every morning.
First he milked the cow.
Then he fed the pigs.
"Good morning" he said to them every morning.
One morning Owen thought that one of the pigs answered him.
"There must be an echo here" he thought.
But every morning after that when Owen said "Good morning" to the pigs he heard a voice say "Good morning"
The voice got stronger and clearer every day.
Owen was amazed.
The voice came from a small thin pig with a long tail.
Owen told no-one about it.
One morning one of Owen's friends came to borrow a ladder.
He heard the pig say "Good Morning"
He was surprised.
Owen asked him not to tell anyone, but he told the news to everyone he met.
Soon people started coming to Owen's farm to hear the pig.
They sat on the fence shouting "Good Morning"
When the pig heard this it would answer "Good Morning"
This delighted the people and they fell about laughing.
The people kept coming to hear the pig.
They left the gates open and walked on the vegetables.
Owen was not able to do his work and he had no time for Norah.
A week later Owen heard the landlord coming, he wanted to hear the pig.
When he heard the pig say "Good Morning" he was amazed.
"I shall tell my wife about this" he said.
Later the landlord's wife Elly, and her sister came to hear the pig, they were thrilled.
They spent hours and hours listening to the pig say "Good Morning"
"It is not right to keep a great pig like this in a dirty pig-sty" said Elly to Owen.
"Keep him in your house and feed him from a bowl"
The next day Elly arrived with her dressmaker.
Fancy clothes were made for the pig.
When the pig was dressed Elly said "This is the nicest and smartest pig in the world.
We need a name for him, let us call him Smut Fada!
Elly and her friends came to Owen's house every day.
They taught Smut Fada how to sit on a chair and eat vegetables from a bowl.
Poor Owen.
He had to make tea for the ladies and he had to keep the house clean.
Smut Fada was as dirty as any other pig!!!
Owen called to see the landlord.
"The pig is a great nuisance to me" he said " I shall have to sell it."
"Don't you dare sell Smut Fada" shouted the landlord.
"I am the owner of the house and the farm. If you sell that pig I'll throw you out on the road."
This frightened Owen.
He did not want to leave his house and farm.
One day Norah came to visit Owen.
"This pig is a great trouble for me" said Owen "Visitors walk all over my vegetables."
"I have very little money and I am sorry but I cannot marry you"
"Don't worry" said Norah, "Things will improve, I shall wait for you."
One fine morning a month later, there were no visitors on the farm.
Owen was digging vegetables.
He heard the sound of horns and hounds.
The landlord and his friends were chasing a fox in a field nearby.
The fox ran into Owen's farm and hid in a shed.
Owen had an idea.
He ran into the house and grabbing the pig, he quickly dressed it in a red jacket.
He then pushed it outside the door.
When the pig heard the hounds he took flight and ran like the wind.
When the hounds saw the pig running they thought it was the fox and chased it eagerly.
Owen never saw Smut Fada again!
On the way home from the hunt the horsemen stopped at Owen's house.
"Your hounds chased away my valuable taking pig" said Owen
"I am sorry" said the landlord, "it looked like a fox"
One of the horsemen, a judge, said "Let us pay this man for his talking pig"
"Ten pounds from each man is fair"
Each of the horsemen gave Owen ten pounds.
Owen was now rich!
Soon after that, Owen sold all his pigs.
He bought a nice farm.
There was a lovely house on the farm.
Owen no longer had to pay rent.
Then Owen asked Norah to marry him.
She was delighted and said "yes"
The wedding was held in the Spring.
Owen and Norah lived happily together.
They kept fat cows on the farm.
They had a horse, hens and ducks but they never bothered with pigs again!!
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About Martin
Martin is now a retired College Lecturer who enjoys writing and foreign travel with his wife, he occasionally writes for magazines.
While Martin's five children were growing up, he and his wife Carmel loved to tell the children stories.
Two of these special stories were Smut Fada (means long snout) and The Three Pats.
When Martin's grandchild Katie wanted to hear some stories, Martin sat down to write the spin-off stories.
Credit is due to Martin's eldest son Rory who provides story illustrations (Smut Fada).
Martin's youngest son Barry, was the original inspiration for boy called Barry in The Three Pats story, Barry now gives Martin technical help with his computer.
Martin's Stories
Here's a list of just some of Martin's stories which are rotated on this page one at a time and available to registered readers. The entire collection is available immediately to those registered for Unlimited Children's Stories (see Free Story Access above).
Major Feathers And Silver
Smut Fada Book 1 Tales From Ireland
Smut Fada finds a home
Madam Elly learns a lesson
Major Feathers and Silver
Norah and Snowy
Owen Catches a Thief
The Three Pats
Barry and the Pirates
Barry and the Wicked Dogs
Barry helps a Farmer
Barry helps a sick girl
Barry saves the village girls
Thanks for your interest and happy reading.