Children's Poems and Rhyming Story Lucys Library Adventure Part 2 by Rachel Elazar - Children's Stories Net

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  Lucys Library Adventure Part 2
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Children's Story: by

"Ouch!" Lucy cried after hitting her head.
It was the third morning in a row that she fell out of bed.
Her sleepy sister, Chloe, said, "Oh no! Not again, sis!
It would be nice if you wouldn't keep falling like this!"
Mom rushed right over.
"Lucy, did you hurt yourself? Does your head have a bump?"
Lucy said, "I don't think so, mom.
I was in the middle of a jump!"
"She's been reading that Create-a-Land book every night before going to bed.
That's why...," Chloe explained, "...she's been hitting her head."
"I keep dreaming I'm in the moon bounce jumping with my friends,
Kingsley Baer, William, Peter and Grace," Lucy told mom with a wistful look on her face.
"Lucy, go to the library today. I think your Create-a-Land book is due.
Another child would love to read all about your adventure. It's true!"
"Yes," Chloe agreed. "You never know when another adventure awaits.
If you go to the back row of the library, you may even see Grace!"
Grace was the girl with a very excited look
who pulled Lucy into the Create-a-Land book.
On the way to the library Lucy and Chloe mailed a letter.
Immediately they noticed the postman could have looked better.
He was huffing and puffing; his face held a frown.
"A big animal was in my mailbag! It was furry and brown!"

Children's Story: by

Lucy and Chloe giggled and gave each other a wink.
A big animal in a mailbag? They didn't know what to think!
Next door at the library Lucy returned Create-a-Land,
but not before brushing the cover with her hand.

Children's Story: by

She remembered how much fun it was exploring the treasure house and the fair,
but then heard a woman shout, "Look out! It's a bear!!!"
People ran left and right dropping their books.
Oh, what a sight!
Children's story time was anything but quiet.
Chairs were overturned. It was a true riot!
Chloe had gone book searching on the teen floor.
Lucy ran to the back row where she had a magical experience before.
"May I have your attention please?" asked a librarian named Louise.

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"There is a bear on the computer! Yes, a bear is on the computer!
He is typing with such ease...Look at those paws hitting the keys!"

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"Kingsley Baer, it's really you!" Lucy cried with such happiness in her eyes.
"Lucy, I had a dream I was typing on a magic check-in machine,
and then on an amazing ride with four great friends by my side.
The next day I mailed myself to the magic library first class -
I know it was rash!"
"The postman next door complained of a sore back after he carried me in his mail sack.
Then I ran straight here and surrounded myself with books. Boy did I get a ton of strange looks!"

Children's Story: by

Kingsley had just finished typing his name 'Kingsley Baer.'
That's 'a' before the 'e', not 'e' before the 'a.' He's backwards, but he doesn't care!
"Lucy, turn around! There's our friend, Grace.
It's time for us to go to an amazing place!"

Children's Story: by

Grace gave me a huge hug; then a book fell to the floor.
I think there was a train on the cover, but I didn't see any more.
The self check-in machine flashed in big, bold words:
Book: Adventure Express
Kingsley and Lucy due home October 23rd

Children's Story: by

"There he is!" shouted the librarian named Louise,
informing two policemen who were weak in the knees.
"Listen everyone!" Lucy announced. "All this commotion has to end.
This big furry bear is not dangerous. He's my friend!"
"Quick!" Grace yelled. "We have to catch the train now!
Don't distress; we are going to board the Adventure Express!"
The three friends got in one great big bear hug,
and just as soon as they did, they heard 'Chug, Chug, Chug, Chug!!'
As fast as a lightning bolt, they were on the train with a jolt!
A train that was very unique indeed; and slowly but surely gaining speed.

Children's Story: by

Building blocks in rainbow colours were in stacks on the floor.
Many paint cans surrounded us, and tall easels - there were four.

Children's Story: by

Soft modelling clay was on tables with plenty of tools and toys.
Then we noticed two very familiar boys.
"Wow, there are my wonderful friends!" exclaimed William at the car's end.
Peter was there too, dressed in a uniform of blue.
"I am your conductor," Peter said, smiling with a blue cap on his head.
"We have a new adventure; there's no need to guess; I'll tell you all about the Adventure Express."
"This train makes no stops until we get to our destination, which will be decided by all of your creations.
You'll discover what you can make from blocks and clay and lots of paint."

Children's Story: by
Children's Story: by

William, who loved 'W's, showed us his wagon made of clay that was blue.
"My wagon has big white wheels!" he cried "and wavy white willows all along the side."
"What a wonderful wagon!" Lucy said. "How neat!"
Then William smiled so big, I could see lots of his teeth!
"Come look out the window," Peter said. "Now there's a special view...
so many colours rushing by - a world of colour -Yahoo!"

Children's Story: by

"Now let's use our own colours inside this train car.
If we all create together, our imagination will go far."
The friends painted, moulded and built lots of towers.
There was so much to create; they could've been there for hours!
Lucy and Kingsley built rainbow towers.
Peter and Grace moulded clay to make flowers.

Children's Story: by

William painted 'Ws' and turned them upside down
to make flocks of birds flying all over town.
The friends made clay animals and stacked blocks to make a zoo.
Lucy painted cable cars to give zoo visitors a view.
Peter said, "Let's build a playground with lots of fun things!"
The friends created a zip line, a slide and three swings.
Suddenly all was dark; the train was in a tunnel no doubt.
Quite a long one it was - would the train ever come out?
Then fast bumps and sharp turns took the friends by surprise.
They came out of the tunnel with fear in their eyes.
Soon they began to laugh as they noticed Kingsley Baer
was covered in paint all over - paint was everywhere!
He had fallen into the red, yellow, and blue,
the green, the orange, the pink and purple too!
"Oh no!" Kingsley cried. "What should I do??"
"I didn't want to make a mess on the Adventure Express!"
"Don't worry," said Grace. "I know what we can do.
We'll touch your fur and make hand prints too!"
It took only a minute for us to make one very big painting
of a 'Hand print lake'!

Children's Story: by

"B-r-i-i-ing, B-r-i-i-ing, B-r-i-i-ing!
"B-r-i-i-ing, B-r-i-i-ing, B-r-i-i-ing!
"That's the train bell," Peter said.
"It's time to go to the café car; we all must be fed."
He led us to a wonderfully smelling car
with lots of great sandwiches and a fantastic snack bar.
Our appetites were enormous after our creative fun,
so we ate to our heart's content until we were all done.
Outside the window a streak of colours was rushing by
matching Kingsley's fur that now looked tie-dyed!

Children's Story: by

Just as we were finishing our train shaped treats,
we felt the train slowing down and finally a screech.
"We're here!" Peter shouted with an excited look in his eyes.
"Come outside and see where we have arrived!"
A huge garden of flowers with very tall stems
was waiting outside to greet all of the friends.
"Look!" exclaimed Grace. She was truly amazed.
"Those are the flowers that Peter and I made!"
The same flowers that were moulded from clay
now came to life on this beautiful day.
Flying overhead were William's birds.
'Caw, Caw, Caw, Caw!' is what we heard.

Children's Story: by

They led us to his blue wagon with willows along the side.
This wagon had a motor and was ready to give us a ride!
Zoom! Zoom! Zoom! Everyone held on tight
as they sped to a colourful city in the bright morning light.

Children's Story: by

Peter said, "We've reached Adventure City. How do you all feel?
All that you've made in the train is now real!"
There were dozens of rainbow towers, a playground and a zoo.
So many fun things for five friends to do!
They played in the rainbow towers for what seemed like hours --
riding elevators to all different floors, opening up rainbow coloured doors.
Some rooms had giant bouncy balls that we bounced off rainbow walls.
Other rooms had jungle gyms with lots of curvy tunnels to climb in.

Children's Story: by

Lucy, Peter, William, and Grace started to have a climbing race.
Kingsley Baer yelled, "Wait, I'm stuck! Oh no!" he cried. "Just my luck!"
Kingsley got stuck in a narrow tube -
his bottom was sticking out; he couldn't move!
Seconds later he squeezed himself out, turned right around and took a different route.
The friends joined him at the bottom of the slide. "I got myself out!" Kingsley said with pride.
Beep Beep! Beep Beep! sounded the wagon's horn from below.
Time for another ride; it's off to the zoo we go!
Lucy couldn't believe her eyes. All the clay animals were now alive!
Giraffes, elephants, a big panda bear...Wow! Lucy's cable cars were high in the air!
After seeing all the animals and a great dolphin show,
Lucy knew exactly where she wanted to go.
Minutes later Lucy and friends were soaring high looking at zoo animals from way up in the sky.

Children's Story: by
When they reached the ground, Grace said, "What a day!"
Let's eat lunch at the Adventure Zoo café.
Kingsley, Lucy, Peter and Grace shared a pizza shaped like a lion face!
William ate a walrus waffle cone and a warm, yummy wolf shaped scone.
Beep Beep! Beep Beep! sounded the wagon's horn from Adventure Zoo Street.
They whizzed through the city past tall buildings and big crowds,
over a bridge and a river towards Adventure Playground.
The friends' eyes grew very wide when they saw the zip line,
swings and curly slide;just like the ones they made on the train ride!
Now they were real and oh so big - this amazing playground with so many kids!

Children's Story: by

Lucy swung back and forth so many times
while Grace and Peter whizzed by on the zip line.
There were two tree houses to play in and explore
with lookout points and two lookout doors.
Kingsley and William pretended they were spies; then jumped out and yelled,
"Surprise, all you guys!!!"
Lucy and friends made new friends in this special play park,
and played for a long while until just before dark.
Beep Beep! Beep Beep! We recognized that sound.
It was the wagon that was waiting outside of Adventure Playground.
It took us back to that creative train.
We just made it there before it started to rain.
Inside there were five comfy beds
for five adventurers to rest their weary heads.
But first they ate train shaped toast with jam at the Adventure Café
while sharing tales of their spectacular day.

Children's Story: by
The next morning 'Chug, Chug, Chug, Chug' is what the friends heard.
The train was slowing down. It was October 23rd.
Grace called, "Wake up everyone! It's ten o'clock in the morning!
We all sat up in bed except for Kingsley who was snoring!

Children's Story: by

Peter called, "Kingsley, we're stopping at Bear Station!"
Then Kingsley woke up right away for this homey occasion.
Bear Station was near Kingsley's house. It was time for him to go
and tell all about his adventures to his little brother, Mo.
Kingsley Baer gave each of us an enormous Baer hug and smile.
We hoped the next time we'd see him would be in just a short while.
"Next stop - the Magic Library!" announced Peter. "Today Lucy is due."
Lucy looked at her special friends and said, "I will miss all of you."
Suddenly Lucy was moving through a tunnel. It was so very pretty!
It reminded her of the colours that were used to create Adventure City!

Children's Story: by

Then in 1-2-3, Lucy was returned to the library!
She slid quickly down the book drop, but unlike a book, she didn't stop.
Boom!!! "Oh, excuse me, please!" Lucy crashed into the librarian named Louise.
Louise said, "Oh, it's you again! Did you bring your big bear friend?"
"No, but we travelled together to an incredible place with three great friends;
William, Peter, and Grace."
Then Lucy saw her sister Chloe, who was reading a brand new book.
There on the cover was Lucy and the train that she took!
Children's Story: by
"Chloe, let's check out that book so I can read to you about all the fun I had in Adventure City.
The End.
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