Children's Poems and Rhyming Story Fearsome Beast by Jean Hinton - Children's Stories Net

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  Fearsome Beast
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There is a new toy brought into the playroom in the shape of a tiger.
In the night, when he prowls around, the other toys are all a little scared.
They have seen his big, sharp teeth.
Big Teddy comes to the rescue, but he finds things not quite as he expected.

One night, inside the playroom, the toys could hardly see,
When little Suzie doll squeaked. "Get away from me!"
Sally doll then wondered, when she heard a growl,
If the latest tiger toy was going on the prowl.
Children's Story: by
All the toys were quivering, wondering what was wrong,
Thinking of the tiger, fearsome, big and strong.
When the morning came around, the light came streaming in,
And they could all see clearly, the tiger, by the bin.
Checking round the room, Big Teddy gave a cry,
He could see that Piggy was not inside his sty.
Looking at the tiger's teeth, sharp and flashing white,
Big Teddy shouted. "Piggy! Tell me, you're alright!"
Big Teddy started growling, vengeance for to wreak,
But then, he saw the tiger was all worn out and weak.
From the tiger's den, there came a laugh and snort,
And there was Piggy, large as life and not as Big Ted thought.
Piggy caught the tiger prowling round his sty,
When the tiger went inside, the fur began to fly.
The tiger was no match for Piggy in a rage,
For Piggy was quite sturdy, even for his age.
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Just to show that he had won, Piggy claimed the prize,
He went into the tiger's den to try it out for size,
Quietly, the tiger had gone crawling out of sight,
He hid behind the rubbish bin, where he spent the night.
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