Bobbys Time Machine
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Joanne Hayle
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"What did you do today?" smiling grandma asked.
Bobby laughed, "I went in a time machine to the past."
"A time machine, you went to the past? I'm amazed."
"Oh yes, I went back in time and I was so brave."
"Bobby, who did you meet? Do tell, what did you see?"
"I had tea with Victoria, England's longest reigning queen,
And watched barefoot children play in the street,
No cars, just horses, carts, and people on two feet.
Were you alive then Grandma, was it a joy?"
"Oh, you cheeky monkey, I'm not that old, my boy
I was born when Elizabeth was on the throne."
"Oh her!" Bobby let out a playful knowing groan
"We saw her too, when we went back more years."
"I meant Elizabeth the Second, not Elizabeth Tudor my dear."
"Ah, well the Tudor queen's white painted face was a fright
And her dresses and jewellery were an eye boggling sight."
"Did you see ships from the Spanish Armada of 1588?"
"Yes, Sir Francis Drake was on Plymouth Hoe, for them he did wait
The Spanish fleet of ships grew nearer as Francis played bowls
And then he saw off the enemy and became a national hero."
"He did indeed, and little man what else did you do?"
"I flew one year in to the future from today. I saw Elizabeth number two."
She was lovely and really good at playing games
But Grandma I wouldn't want to be royal, it would be a shame."
He frowned, "No one read any of the queens a bedtime story
How can that be fair to them with all their glory?
Grandma sighed, "That's sad, no fairytale before dreams.
No sleepy eyes or snoring before the last page? How mean."
"Grandma, I couldn't bear for you not to read to me tonight
So in my time machine I came home on a speedy flight.
I love you to read me tales of heroes and wicked pests
To start dreamy adventures and help me to sleep best."
Queen Elizabeth I 1558-1603
Queen Victoria 1837-1901
Queen Elizabeth II 1952 to the present and the future!
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