What Is Wrong With Lolita
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Ana Georgia Betancourt
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Lolita had always been a very happy and clever girl, but today she seemed different.
Today she was very sad, but nobody knew what was wrong with her.
Her friends came to visit her from school and asked her if she was sick.
She answered, "No, I am not sick."
Her grandfather came to take her out for her favourite dessert, but she didn't want to go.
Her favourite cousin that had travelled a great distance came to invite her to go for a swim at her favourite beach, but she also refused that.
"What is wrong with Lolita?" everyone asked, "Nobody knows what to do to make her feel better."
Her brother also offered to share a banana with her, but she didn't want to accept it.
"That is just completely unlike her," her brother said, "Lolita always fights with me to eat my bananas."
"It is just very worrying!" everybody said at the same time.
Her mother, who had been watching Lolita and the whole situation, finally approached the little girl and asked her, "What is wrong Lolita?"
Lolita didn't want to say anything.
She was sobbing and you could see that she was biting her lips so hard because she wanted to hold on to her feelings, and not let anybody enter her heart.
But her mother kept staring at her, with that loving and calming way that only mothers know how to do.
It was then when Lolita gave in.
She didn't scream, she just whispered, "The butterfly didn't come to see me today."
"What butterfly?" asked her mother.
"Mom, it is a beautiful butterfly that comes every morning to see me and flies around me." replied Lolita.
"Ah, that butterfly." said her mother when she finally recalled having seen it fluttering around the house.
"But why is it so important to you?" asked her mother.
Lolita then paused to think and exclaimed, "Mom, it's her wings! I could imagine that I can fly with her wings!" Lolita said loudly.
Then her mother smiled, and with her hand on Lolita's heart said, "My dear daughter if the butterfly forgets about you, use your own wings to fly."
Lolita didn't understand what her mother meant at first, but then everything became clear as a lightning flash.
'My mother wants me to use my own imagination to fly' thought Lolita.
With the biggest smile that she had ever shown to anyone she said, "Yes, mother, I will do that; I will use my own wings to fly, and I will soar so high that I know with time I will meet other butterflies."
From that time on Lolita was never sad again.
She kept flying and believing that her wings were strong enough to make her fly.
Some people said that the butterfly came back one day, but it was too late for her.
'But why?' you may ask.
Well, it was too late for her because Lolita had finally met other butterflies!
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