The Ugly To New Garden
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By 8 Year Old Olivia Jayne Robinson
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There was Daddy Pump, Mammy Pump, and 10 Pumpy children.
The children never washed, never changed their clothes, never brushed their hair or cleaned their teeth.
They shouted and argued, poked and kicked each other.
They had bad table manners and never went to school, but if they had I think they would have all been in detention every day.
Everyone in this family was spiteful, nasty and they called each other names.
They were all cheeky brats; they didn't look after their teddies and they picked holes in them.
Each of the children had a bow and arrow; they pinned a teddy to the door and used it as a target; so that's how the teddy got lots of holes in him.
In the spring the Robinson family moved into a house just down the road from the Pump family.
They decided to plant flowers in their garden; which grew to be daffodils, daisies, and sweet smelling sweet peas.
The plants emitted a new scent every day and not one weed ever pops up in the Robinson garden.
Then one day Olivia Robinson decided to bake some cakes and take them round to her neighbours houses.
When she got to Rotten Rose Cottage, where the Pump family lived, she had to slide past all the thistles and weeds to deliver her cupcakes to the Pump family.
Olivia realised that this family were very poor.
When she saw the state they were in she ran straight back to her family and got cleaning supplies to help clean the house.
They had to take the car or they would have had to make lots trips if they walked.
When they got there Olivia, and her brother Joe, worked on the garden.
They pulled weeds out and then they planted new plants.
Whilst Olivia and Joe were outside their mum and dad went into the house.
They polished the furniture and did other jobs around the house.
The Robinson family even saved up some of their money to help buy a dishwasher and even a new washing machine for the clothes.
Then the Robinson family kept doing good deeds every day.
The days went by and the families became friends.
Then one day the family's decided to change the Pump family's name; they changed it to the Blueberry family.
So now in their house there is Mr Blueberry, Mrs Blueberry and their 10 Blueberry children.
The flowers were really nice and scented and they grew lots of sweet tasting juicy blueberries.
Of course, you can see where they got this from, because their name is the Blueberry family. Isn't that funny!
As the days went on more people moved into this lovely area.
Everybody who lived there became friends!
The End
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