The Lost Shoe
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Angela Adame
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A little boy who seems to have one shoe missing each day, but why?
Every morning little Mikey would wake up to one of his shoe's either downstairs or in the bathroom or in the closet.
This time the shoe was nowhere to be found, Oh, No! Where did it go?
This is a job for Super Detective Mikey to go into action.
"Come on boy let's get going."
"RUFF RUFF" his dog barked.
Mikey put on his detective outfit, and holding his handy dandy magnifying glass said
"Let's search boy!"
He looked under the bed, "Nothing hmmm, I know, let's go boy."
He headed out of the back door, with his magnifying glass, looking everywhere.
"RUFF RUFF" his dog ran around sniffing the grass and flowers.
Mikey kept thinking 'Where should I look now? I know, the garage.'
So he went into the garage.
He turned the light on and looked all around. "Oh No! Where could it be?"
He was running out of places to look.
Then, all of a sudden, an idea popped into his head.
"I think I know where it might be."
His dog, wagging his tail, said "RUFF RUFF."
Mikey went back into the back yard and headed for the kitchen.
Opening all the cupboards, no luck, so disappointing.
He was about to give up, but then he was staring outside at the dog house.
"BINGO!" he said.
They both headed to the back yard again.
Mikey took his flashlight and magnifying glass, and then he poked his head inside the dog house.
His dog peeked inside as well.
"Here it is, my shoe! Yippee."
"RUFF RUFF" barked his dog.
He took his shoe and put in on, hugging his dog.
The dog wagged his tail.
Now, I know this case is over, because the bandit was my dog!
The End
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