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Kittens New Year's Resolutions by DENNIS KING 5-10
A list of New Year's Resolutions for kitten Tiger Lilly, with pictures for you to enjoy.

Tiger Lilly's New Year's Resolutions, 2021
1. I resolve to continue to be a good kitten and become a cat in 2021.
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2. I will learn how to 'purr', answer to my name, and come when I'm called without a treat.
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3. I will stop scattering the almonds out of my master's glass cup on the living room carpet.
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4. I will continue to lick myself daily until I am clean.
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5. I will stop pawing the litter microcrystals and scattering them onto the bathroom floor.
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6. I shall quit hiding in the closets away from my master, so he can know where I am.
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7.I will retract my claws when walking over the body of my master in bed.
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8. I will stop clawing the furniture and instead sharpen my claws on my own toys.
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9. I will stop clawing and chewing on the Venetian blinds when my master yells.
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10. I will stop drinking the milk out of my master's cereal bowl on the kitchen table.
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11. I will stop tossing glasses and pens off the desk and table onto the floor.
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12. I will stop trying to climb the walls from the top of the cupboards and desk.
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13. I will definitely stop tearing up the toilet paper rolls in 2021.
These are my New Year's resolutions which I pledge to keep, or else, I shall suffer the consequences.

I agree and sign with my right front paw print - January 01, 2021, Tiger Lilly
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The End
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