Children's story Annie Climbs A Tree by Claire Glover - Children's Stories Net

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  Annie Climbs A Tree
Reader Star Rating: Children's Story Star Rating Terms of use: you may view online and freely print a single paper copy of the entire story page for your own personal domestic private use, individual qualified Teachers may also freely print additional paper copies for teaching purposes within their own educational establishment. Any other use is strictly prohibited without prior written consent by letter from us, please see the contact us button above.

Annie was a very posh little kitty, owned by the richest people in the whole world! She was a ginger kitten with a curly tail and a pink bow by her ear. She would always lick her paw, and then ever so gracefully rub-rub-rub behind her ear.
Children's Story: by
One day Annie was wandering around outside. She sat on the grass and rub-rub-rubbed behind her ear.
"Meow!" She heard a low, kitty voice from behind a bush. Who was it?
"Meow!" A scruffy, black cat with an awkward eye stepped out from behind the bush. He walked toward Annie. She was frightened!
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"Hello there, posh kitty," the cat greeted her. He seemed much nicer than he looked!
"Who are you?" Annie asked.
"I am Tito, the street cat," he replied proudly, "Want to come and play?"
"Um... no thank you," Annie thought about it but decided it would dirty her perfect fur.
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"I am going to climb trees," Tito continued, "It will be great fun!"
"Climb trees?" Annie gulped, "Oh no, I can't do that! I am afraid of heights!"
"Please come," Tito begged. Most cats avoided him because he looked strange so he was a lonely street cat. Annie did not reply but instead slunk away back into her grand home. She lay down on her silk bed. Rub-rub-rubbing behind her ear, she closed her eyes and went to sleep.
Children's Story: by
Annie was bored so she started playing with her ball of wool. Little did she know that Tito was outside, watching her! Annie was having such fun that she rolled the ball of wool outside and played there. She spotted a cute little robin hopping about near a rose bush and ran away to play with it. She left her favorite ball of wool behind.
Now, Tito flung her ball of wool up into a tall tree near by. He then hid away again. Annie didn't see him. The robin that she was playing with flew away and she ran back to her ball of wool, giggling. Unknowing that she was climbing a tree she chased the wool up it. She was finally in its branches!
"Well done, kitty," Tito laughed along with her, "You've just climbed your first tree!"
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This story is dedicated to little Goliat or 'Brad' who accidentally followed us home.

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