Children's Christmas story The Smiling Snowman by Randall

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  The Smiling Snowman
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Children's Story: by
Summer and her brother took advantage of the wet winter snow.
They rolled up the bottom, the middle and the top of a snowman, and put the pieces together.
Summer wanted her snowman to look happy and lifelike so she used black stones for his eyes and fashioned his nose, mouth, and arms from snow.
"Brother," she said, "I give you, the Smiling Snowman."
The following morning, Summer had to fix her snowman's melted face.
"There," she said, "that should be good."
In the afternoon, she patted his face into place once more.
"Are you okay, Snowman?"
Half expecting an answer she discovered something else; his smile flipped to a frown.
'I'd better not touch his mouth' she thought.
Before going to bed, Summer stepped outside to say goodnight to her snowman.
She shone her flashlight on him.
"Oh my," she said, as she watched tears streaming down his cheeks.
"Snowman, why are you so sad?"
She repaired him again.
Summer dreamt an answer to her snowman situation.
She asked her brother to help her build another snowman, and a snowwoman as well. She said her snowman needed company on Christmas Eve.
This time, she used charcoal for their eyes and mouths, carrots for their noses, and sticks for their arms.
On the snow-woman she added broom bristles for eyelashes and a mop head for hair.
"Brother," she said, "I present to you ... the Snow Buds."
'What if her snowman doesn't like them,' she wondered.
Later, on Christmas Eve, she looked out of the window and called her brother over.
They watched the snow friends dancing in circles under the street lights.
Summer opened the door a crack. "Hey," she whispered, "now they're singing, back to back."
On Christmas morning, all three stood in place, still as could be.
Summer inspected her rolly poly pal.
His face appeared perfect; his smile glowed, both brightly and whitely.
She readied her camera.
The snow people posed.
She giggled, "You guys."
She snapped the picture.
The Snowman and Snow Buds did not budge the rest of the season.
But when the warm weather moved in, her Snowman moved out.
She knew why, he could not stand to see her cry.

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