The Present People
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Tara Fox Hall
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One minute after dark on December 24th, the Present People appear one by one in all the houses in the world.
They are shaped like boxes, some are tall and some are small.
Their feet are always in snug, big white boots, in case they have to walk through snow. Their hands are covered with big fluffy, warm mittens, so they don't get cold.
Their clothes? Wrapping paper, of course.
Their eyes are big, so they can see better in the dark.
Ribbons usually cover their mouths, so they can't talk too much.
Present People have very loud voices, which makes the ribbons necessary.
The Present People's job is to make sure all presents are ready for children to receive on Christmas Morning.
Very carefully, they inspect each package, searching out any still hidden in closets or under beds.
They make sure each package has a name on it.
If it doesn't, the Present People rip the wrapping open just enough so the gift is revealed.
Then they leave it there for the giver to find, and rewrap.
Sometimes, they almost get caught, but they are very, very fast.
As soon as they sense anyone Present People drop to the floor, pulling in their feet and hands like a turtle.
They close their eyes tight.
More than one Present Person has been put under the Christmas tree, mistaken for a real present.
Then, when no one is looking, the Present People tiptoe away.
Have you ever seen a Present Person?
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