Children's Christmas story Sarahs Tiny Christmas Eve by Randall

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  Sarahs Tiny Christmas Eve
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Children's Story: by
Sarah missed her sister, who had recently moved away.
Tears trickled down her face, "I don't want to be sad on Christmas Eve," she said.
Sarah did not turn on the Christmas tree lights; instead she just stared at the twinkling lights across the street.
The telephone rang.
"Hi, sweetie," said her mother, "I'm sorry, but I have to work late tonight. Don't wait up for me, okay?"
Sarah wrapped the scrapbook she had bought for her mother.
Even though they'd talked about scrapping many times, she hoped mother would still be surprised.
Suddenly, the red, green, and blue lights on the little Christmas house began blinking.
A light switched on inside.
"How could this be?" Sarah asked, "the house is not even plugged in."
Upon closer inspection Sarah observed a tiny plastic woman, a tiny plastic man, and a tiny plastic girl standing on the tiny porcelain porch.
What else could happen Sarah wondered when she heard a tinkling sound.
The tiny girl rang a bell.
All three of them waved Sarah over.
The girl handed Sarah the bell, she rang it and found herself instantly transported to their world, where she too became tiny.
"Welcome," they said in unison.
"I am Tip Squeek," said the woman.
"I am Kip Squeek," said the man.
"I am Pip Squeek," said the girl.
Sarah did not know what to think.
"Um...hi, I am Sarah."
"Hi, Sarah," said Pip, "won't you please join us for dinner?"
During dinner, the Squeeks explained how they appeared in human form for only a few hours each Christmas Eve. They also asked Sarah to keep their existence a secret, except for her sister and mother.
Sarah promised.
After dessert Pip led Sarah to her room.
They talked and laughed like they'd known each other forever.
A knock at the door interrupted them.
"What is that?" asked Sarah.
"A Christmas Cube," said Kip.
"Listen closely," said Tip, "First, think of someone you want to see.
Second, place your hand over your heart, and third, touch the cube."
"Go ahead," said Kip, "give it a try."
Sarah thought of someone she wanted to see, placed her hand over her heart, and touched the cube.
The Christmas Cube glowed red; rose off the table, and her sister's image appeared.
She was on a chair, stretching to place the angel atop her Christmas tree.
Sarah reached in and finished the job.
"Merry Christmas," said Sarah.
But before her sister could reply, her image faded away.
"How could that happen?" asked Kip, "she actually entered the image."
"There's only one explanation," said Tip, "Sarah's love for her sister knows no bounds."
"The time is near," said Kip.
"Thank you for everything," said Sarah.
"Friends forever?" asked Pip.
"Friends forever," answered Sarah.
Sarah rang the bell and returned to normal size, at least for her.
The Pips returned to their plastic forms.
The next morning, Sarah woke early and went downstairs.
Her mother was making breakfast.
"Mother, there are people living in that Christmas house you just bought."
They went to check it out.
"The house is dark, they're gone."
"No people came with this house," said her mother, "you must have been dreaming."
While they ate, Sarah told Mother all about her adventure.
"You do believe me, don't you?"
"Of course I do, dear."
First, Sarah opened her present. "A scrapbook, what a surprise."
Then, her mother opened her present. "A scrapbook, what a surprise, indeed."
They giggled.
Suddenly a tiny present appeared under the tree.
Sarah looked at the tag. "It's from Pip, but how?"
Sarah carefully unwrapped the little package.
Tears of joy hugged her cheeks.
"I will ring this tiny bell every Christmas Eve."
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