Children's Christmas story Honkey The Donkeys Christmas Wish by Tim Collings

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  Honkey The Donkeys Christmas Wish
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Children's Story: by
One quiet morning just before Christmas, Honkey the Donkey, with a tear in his eye, stood watching the race horses go thundering by.
"Oh how I wish I could run as fast as that."
While Honkey the Donkey dreamt about such things a tiny angel landed on his nose.
"What are you dreaming about?" said the tiny angel.
Honkey the Donkey told the tiny angel all about his wish to one day run faster than the horses and win the Christmas horse Derby.
The tiny angel listened.
"Well, we will have to see if we can make your wish come true."
The tiny angel then flew away leaving Honkey the Donkey with a very strange feeling in his legs.
Honkey the Donkey´s legs seemed to want to move and just like magic he started to run, not only did he run but he ran like the wind, faster and faster he ran.
What a feeling Honkey the Donkey had as he galloped along, the tiny angel must have been magical he thought.
Early the next morning the race horses were out for their training session and as they galloped passed Honkey the Donkey joined in from the other side of the fence.
As the race horses picked up speed so did Honkey the Donkey, faster and faster they ran, then suddenly Honkey the Donkey put on a spurt passing them all, leaving them behind.
The jockeys could not believe their eyes as Honkey the Donkey sped on ahead.
What excitement there was around the stables as the trainers came to see Honkey the Donkey time and time again race with the horses, beating them every time.
There was only one thing for it, Honkey the Donkey would have to be entered into the Christmas horse Derby.
Honkey the Donkey´s wish was about to come true.
Race day came, Honkey the Donkey was there with his jockey lining up for the start.
Lots of people were pointing and laughing at them, but they didn´t care, this was going to be a Christmas race to remember.
They were all under starter´s orders; they were off, all the horses including Honkey the Donkey galloped away.
Honkey the Donkey was up against the finest horses in the land but he was up there, faster and faster they went.
The finish line was in sight, it was neck and neck, suddenly Honkey the Donkey put on a spurt, galloping ahead of the pack, crossing the finish line first.
How the people cheered, no more pointing and laughing, just cheers and congratulations.
Honkey the Donkey had won the Christmas Derby.
Honkey the Donkey was patted and petted and made such a fuss of he thought he was a movie star.
That evening when all was quiet and all the fantastic events of the day were over the tiny angel returned landing once again on Honkey the Donkey´s nose.
"Hey tiny angel, I won the Christmas Derby."
"I know," said the tiny angel. "Looks like your wish came true."
"Yes, a Christmas wish, all thanks to you," said Honkey the Donkey.
"Well maybe, maybe." said the tiny angel.
And with that the tiny angel flew away into the night sky leaving Honkey the Donkey feeling very happy and content.

The End
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