A Unicorn Meets Santas Reindeer
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Leanne Drain
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The clouds are bright as each and every child is sleeping at night, dreaming of candy floss elves and singing choir penguins that play in the snow.
It's a peaceful night and not a sound was made, not a body in sight, it was a little too quiet.
But as the heavy snow fell from the fluffy clouds there was a loud thud on the rooftop of a lonely house.
The house on the hill, which was a far distance away from the other houses.
It stood brightly alone, but as the sleigh above made a cracking noise out came a wish list, so big it flipped and rolled down the chimney of the house.
As it fell it hit the floor of the lonely house.
There was the sound of eating coming from the kitchen.
The wish list, which was long, could actually talk as it swayed and swirled through to the kitchen, that's when it found a white unicorn.
The unicorn smiled and said "I want to fly and be like the reindeer that pull the sleigh into the night sky".
The wish list smiled, "Finish your carrot, and then I will grant you your wish".
The magic stars fell from the wish list as he held it out, and out came a reindeer!
The reindeer and the unicorn were the ones that led Santa's sleigh that night.
One wish changed everything, while the snow touched the house.
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