Children's Christmas story A Snowdancer For Julia by Rachel Elazar

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  A Snowdancer For Julia
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One bright sunny December morning Julia woke up snuggled under her cosy warm pink quilt and out came a yawn as big as a snowball.
"Julia, come outside quick!" her younger brother Robby yelled. "Let's play in the snow!"
Julia ran to her bedroom window and gasped in surprise as she saw her entire front yard covered in fresh clean white snow.
Children's Story: by
She quickly brushed her teeth and dressed, putting on her soft new purple snowman sweater that was perfectly warm and comfy for playing a long while in the snow.
In no time a bunch of neighbourhood friends joined Julia and Robby in making a village of happy snowmen and magical snow angels, with an area reserved for snowball fights of course.
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Children's Story: by
After the friends had gone home, Julia and Robby looked at each other's apple red cheeks and noses and felt it was a good time to head inside for big cups of hot chocolate and Mom's delicious cinnamon French toast.
Over breakfast Julia said, "Wow, I can't believe tomorrow is Christmas! I have an idea! Let's dress up our snowmen and have a Christmas Day snowman party!"
"That's a great idea!" Robby exclaimed. "We can ask our friends to come and build even more snowmen in our yard!"
"I can bake snowman cookies and you can invite your neighbourhood friends in for cookies and milk," Mom suggested, smiling at the thought of decorating many cheerful little snowmen with colourful icing and chocolate chips.
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After Julia and Robby finished their hot chocolates and French toast, Robby said, "I'm going to make a snowman band so my snowmen can play music at our party!"
Children's Story: by
Robby was very excited about this plan since he loved music and even wanted to play the drums in a band one day.
He quickly ran to his bedroom to start looking for clothes that would be suitable for snowmen musicians and objects that he could use for instruments.
Just then Julia started thinking about how much she loved ballet.
The night before Miss Abby's Winter Dance Show Julia was so nervous that she had a dream, or more like a nightmare, that she danced right into the big Christmas tree on stage and all the ornaments fell off the tree crashing onto the floor!
Julia remembered with a heavy heart how she fell after twirling like a snowflake in the wind ... only this time it wasn't a dream.
After the show one of the dancers, snobby Suzanne, told Julia that she was supposed to twirl like a snowflake in the wind - not like snow in a blizzard!
When she arrived home, Julia got lots of hugs from Mom, Dad, and even Robby.
"We still loved watching you dance," Dad said.
"Yes, and you got right up after you fell and kept on dancing," Mom reminded Julia. "Good going, Sis!" Robby said.
All Julia could think of was how embarrassed she felt after falling. "I never want to dance again!" she had cried loudly.
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Now, at the kitchen table, Julia was feeling quite sad and Mom knew exactly why.
After gazing out of the window for a moment, Mom suddenly had a gleam in her eyes. "Julia, meet me outside in five minutes," she said.
Bundled in their warm winter coats, Mom and Julia looked at the snowmen that were proudly standing in their snowy front yard, cheerfully dressed in colourful scarves and hats. One had on Mom's long apron ready to cook a feast and one little snowchild had candy canes for arms!
Mom spotted one snowlady who was powdery white and bare, except for two pink button eyes straight from Julia's special button collection.
Smiling, Mom walked over to the snowlady and pulled out two very pretty things from behind her back.
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One was Mom's pink scarf with shiny gold sequins that used to be her favourite scarf as a teenager. The other was Julia's majestic princess crown that she had loved wearing when she was a little girl playing dress-up.
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"Julia, this is Sarah the snowdancer," Mom announced excitedly.
"Here, put this crown on her head and I'll tie this scarf around her middle."
"Mom, that was your favourite scarf that you used to wear on special occasions!"
Julia was very surprised that her Mom was using it to dress her snowlady.
"Yes," Mom said "...and soon Sarah the Snowdancer will wear it for a very special occasion, the Christmas Day Snowman Party! This is Sarah's dance costume for her performance! She loves to dance so much that she wants to perform for all of her snow friends and party guests."
"But, won't she be awfully nervous?" Julia asked sounding very concerned.
"After all, Sarah is used to standing still in the snow, not dancing!"
"At first she may shiver with fright, sending showers of snow flurries down all sides of her snow body," Mom said, but after she has danced for just a little while, the flurries will stop."
Julia had a beautiful picture in her mind of Sarah the Snowdancer performing for all of her friends with no flurries in sight.
She started to smile, but then a worried look crossed her face.
"What if Sarah falls while she is dancing in front of all those people? She may fall apart and turn into a big pile of snow!"
"Hmmm, just like any dancer a snowdancer may fall," Mom said "but then she gets right back up again, quick as a flying snowball, and continues doing the steps that she loves."
That night Julia had a wonderful dream that Sarah the Snowdancer was whirling and leaping, entertaining her woodland and snowmen friends, while many neighbourhood friends watched in delight. Sarah's sparkling pink and gold scarf did its own special wavy dance in the breeze as Sarah danced so happily.
Her crown even stayed on her head as she gracefully jumped many times in the air; and she didn't fall!
At the end of Sarah's performance, she looked like a snow queen as she did a very proud pose with her snow head facing up toward the sky and her long branch arms stretched wide.
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All of a sudden it started to snow, and it was as if Sarah was being showered with a million snowflake kisses!
Julia felt a soft kiss land on her cheek and then slowly looked up into her mother's eyes.
"It's Christmas morning sweetheart! Robby can't wait to open his presents."
"Julia-a-a-a-a-a!!!!" Robby shouted from downstairs.
Julia first put on her soft fuzzy bunny slippers and then her plush purple robe.
As she passed her bedroom window, she thought she heard music coming from somewhere around her.
Was there music still inside her head from last night's dream or was Sarah the Snowdancer rehearsing her dance right now in the morning sunshine?
Julia was about to peer outside her window, but then she heard Robby's voice even louder this time.
"Julia-a-a-a-a!!! Come downstairs! Julia-a-a-a-a!!!"
She ran with Mom to the top of the stairs and it seemed like a hundred brilliant lights from all around their tree were also calling her downstairs to join in the fun of Christmas morning.
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After a joyous morning of opening presents and discovering what surprises were hidden in their bulky red stockings, Julia and Robby followed their noses to the wonderful smell of fresh hot pancakes in the kitchen.
While they were enjoying their traditional Christmas day pancake breakfast, Mom said, "Remember the fun is not over; there's a snowman party coming up this afternoon!"
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"That's right; a bunch of friends said they could make it!" Robby said. "I can't wait to build a snowman band!"
"What are you going to build, Julia?" Mom and Dad both asked at the same time causing everyone to laugh.
"I'm going to build another snowdancer that can dance with Sarah while Robby's snowmen play music!"
Julia thought for a few seconds and then smiled a very big smile.
"Her name will be Julia."
The End


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