A Lucie Christmas, With Apologies To Clement C Moore
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Terry Hoffman
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A Lucie Christmas, With apologies to Clement C. Moore by Terry Hoffman 7-14
My cat, Lucie, wants special treats for Christmas, but I cannot find them.
'Twas two days before Christmas and all over town,
Lucie's cat treats were sold out and I was quite down.
I was all in an upset, in a tizzy, and sore,
from trudging the streets from each store to each store.
I knew that my Lucie would be, oh, so sad,
if into her stocking her treats I'd not add.
Then someone said Walmart might have some in stock.
I grabbed up my down coat and looked up at the clock.
The rush hour had just started and traffic's a mess,
but Lucie is worth it, so onward I'll press.
I arrive at the store, but there's no place to park;
I circled the lot looking, like a hungry white shark.
Hark! There in the distance, a car's pulling out.
I marked that space mine; I had not a doubt.
A little old lady in a long Cadillac
tried pushing in front, but I wouldn't move back.
With a twist of the wheel and a tap on the gas,
I aimed for the space and used all of my brass.
That spot was just inches from Walmart's front door.
As I stepped inside there, I heard a great roar.
The crowds were just massive, from the front to the back.
I cringed and I cowered with each click and each clack.
Then what to my wondering eyes should appear
but their wonderful pet isle and it was quite clear.
I rushed to the section for kitty cat treats;
my heart was just thumping with such frantic beats.
I grab for the last bag of her fav'rite snack,
when somehow I sense someone there at my back.
There stood a small girl with a frayed cotton dress
and her face was all filled with great fear and distress.
"Please, lady, could you let me purchase that treat?
My cat's getting old and that's all that she'll eat.
"I saved up my money from doing odd jobs."
My frantic heart melted, as I heard her sobs.
I knew in that moment that I would give in.
I made up my mind and then turned with a grin.
"Take this with my blessings and feed you old kitty
and when she is full up, sing her a sweet ditty."
That little girl's face lit up like a rocket.
My heart filled my throat and I could not block it.
Then, standing in Walmart, I was filled with such joy.
Instead, I bought Lucie a great kitty toy.
The End
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