Children's Christmas story Sneaking A Peek by Terry Hoffman

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  Sneaking A Peek
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A child stays up to try and catch Santa in the act.
Children's Story: by
Santa just took off from our roof.
I heard the tapping of each hoof.
He's on his way to the next house.
I must be quiet, like a mouse.
I'm sneaking down to take a peek,
to see if he's left what I seek.
My Mom and Dad are fast asleep;
I cannot make a single peep.
As I look toward the fireplace,
I see an old familiar face.
There's Santa Claus with eyes so blue;
on a cookie, he starts to chew.
He looks at me with great surprise,
a touch of concern in his eyes.
"You're s'pposed to be in bed, asleep,
with eyes shut tight and counting sheep.
"I came back for my Christmas treat,
in such a rush, forgot to eat.
It is not twice that I will warn;
straight off to bed, until the morn."
And so I never got my peek,
but of St. Nick, I'd never speak.
He'd brought me all my fav'rite toys
and heaps and piles of Christmas joys.

The End

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